对于多人的私教课,学员需要自行组队,Wenyoga 不提供组队服务。
空中课程教师,孕期及产后私人教练,E-RYT® 200,RYT® 500,YACEP®,拥有超过10年的工作经验及超过10,000节课程的教学经验。
课程: Aerial Yoga/Pilates, Prenatal Yoga/Pilates, Postpartum Yoga/Pilates, Posture Health
E-RYT 500 认证瑜伽导师
E-RYT 500 于 Shala Ananda YogaRocket Yoga 认证 于 Asta YogaMat Pilates 认证 于 Josie McKenlay生物技术科学家
课程:Power yoga, Yin yoga
RYT® 200, Indian Sanskrit Pilates, Aerial Yoga Certification,
Rehabilitation physiotherapist qualification certification,
China 3D Anatomy and Sports Human Science Certification
Teaching Language: English/中
Class: Prenatal Yoga, Postpartum Yoga, Mat Pilates
RTY200, Yoga Nidra and Mind Body-Resilience, PT Yoga & Lais Ex Work it out, Yoga Wheel Training
Class: Wheel Yoga, Vinyasa
RYT500, Aerial Yoga Teacher Course Certification, Aerial Dance Teacher Certification.
Class: Aerial Yoga, Aerial Dance
Iyengar Training Certification, Hot Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, Ashtanga, Therapy Certification, More than 8,000 hours of teaching experience so far.
Class: Iyengar
200 HRS ashtanga vinyasa YTTC
300 HRS multistyle YTTC
85 HRS PRE & Postnatal YTTC
30 HRS yoga nidra TTC
Teaching Language: English
Class: Vinyasa, Ashtanga
Certified 200-HR Yoga Teacher,
Certified Kid’s Teacher,
Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher,
Ongoing Mindfulness & Meditation Certification,
Ongoing Certification 300-HR Yoga Teacher
15-YR Experienced Software Professional
Class: Restorative Yoga
UCSC Human Biology
Certified by Sattva Yoga Academy
Certified by Yoga Alliance
Class: Restorative Yoga, Gental Yoga
RYT200, Ashtanga, Rocket Flow, Awakening Yoga
Class: Rocket flow
Class: Aerial Dance, Aerial Hoop