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Achieving the best results without limitations!

We all have busy schedules that make it difficult to commit to an exercise and health program.  The Maximum Flexibility Package allows the most flexibility to schedule your package of classes you want with the instructor you want when it best suits your personal needs. This flexibility allows you to try different types of classes with the most flexible schedule so you can maximize your fitness efforts.  You can book a class at the time you want, and you are free to cancel up to 24 hours in advance.

Aerial Meditation

Suitable for all levels

Class Description

Aerial meditation is a practice where you use a suspended hammock or swing to support your body while you meditate. It combines the benefits of traditional meditation with the comfort and support of the aerial hammock. It allows you to relax deeply, release tension, and experience a sense of weightlessness, making it easier to focus your mind and find inner peace. It's like meditating while floating gently in the air, creating a unique and tranquil experience. Suitable for: If you're looking to relax, de-stress, and find peace in a gentle and supportive environment, aerial meditation could be perfect for you. Benefits: - Relaxation: It helps you relax deeply, releases tension and promotes feelings of calm and tranquility. - Mental Clarity: It enhances mental clarity and focus, helping you clear your mind and find inner peace. - Anti-Gravity Stretch: Use a hammock to provide support, making it easier to maintain a comfortable posture, and anti-gravity stretches to relax your spine, back and shoulders.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Booking预定: - All bookings for aerial classes must be made in advance through our official booking channels, including our website or app. 所有空中课程的预定必须提前通过我们的官方预定渠道完成,包括我们的网站或App. - Walk-in bookings are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.现场预定视情况而定,不能保证有空位。 Cancellation and Rescheduling取消和改期: - If you need to cancel or reschedule your aerial class booking, please do so at least 24 hours before the class start time. 如果您需要取消或改期空中课程的预定,请在课程开始时间前至少24小时进行取消或改期。 - Failure to cancel or attend will result in a charge for the class session or a no-show fee.未取消或未到场会计算课时费或缺席费。 -If fewer than 3 people are booked, the system will automatically cancel the class one day in advance. 如果预约人数不足3人,系统会提前一天自动取消课程。 Arrival Time到达时间: - Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your aerial class to allow for check-in, changing, and preparation of the aerial hammocks.请至少提前5分钟到达您的空中教室,以便进行签到、更衣和空中吊床的准备。 - Late arrivals may not be allowed to join the class and may incur a charge for the class session or a no-show fee.迟到者可能不允许参加课程,且可能会计算课时费或缺席费。 Attire and Requirements着装和要求: - Wear comfortable athletic clothing that covers the waist, without buttons, zippers, or metal accessories. 穿着盖住腰部的舒适运动服装,衣服上没有扣子、拉链或金属配饰。 - For safety reasons, please remove all jewelry, watches, hairpins, and sharp items before attending aerial classes. 安全起见,请在参加空中课程之前取下所有珠宝、手表、发夹和尖锐物品。 - Please bring your own yoga mat and towel for sweat, although we do offer natural rubber yoga mat rental for $5 per session.请携带自己的瑜伽垫和擦汗巾,虽然我们会提供每次$5天然橡胶瑜伽垫租赁。 Stay focused and ensure your phone is on silent mode or left outside the classroom before the class begins.保持专注,课前确保您的手机处于静音或并留在教室之外。 - Bring drinking water for yourself. 携带足够的饮用水。 Health and Safety健康与安全: - Participants with any health issues or injuries should consult their doctor before attending aerial classes. 有任何健康问题或受伤者应在参加空中课程之前咨询您的医生。 - Pregnant individuals or those with specific health concerns should inform the teacher before the class begins.怀孕者或有特殊健康问题者应在课程开始前告知导师。 Class Types and Levels课程类型和水平: - Please select the class type and level that suits your health condition and experience. If you are unsure, please consult our teacher for guidance.请根据您的健康状况和经验选择适合您的课程类型和水平。如果您不确定,请咨询我们的瑜伽导师。

Contact Details

  • 7079 Golden Gate Dr, San Jose, CA 95129, USA


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